arawn (i used a visual ref for this because i need to work on my anatomy, seriously.)
new header where lenore welcomes you. i dont exactly like how this turned out.
Okay I had a cool idea for this, it was a creepy mare-ghost who lured this guy into a trap (kinda like a siren) into the rocks and kinda impaled him. but i couldn't finish it so now it just looks like.. it looks like tangled or something.
i also used no ref for this pose, so I'm sure something's off.
i cant animate.
arawn turning into the void king stuck on me now.
another creepy thing where arawn becomes the void king
extinct lovers, old (S) and sputnik left finally alone at the end of their days.
helm sketch
art trade with Aristio123 on dA! :)
ruptured lungs
no idea what this is
Alia is my man, even if I don't draw her often.
i think that's odin's brother or something xD
I've gotten real bad at drawing but anyway, I revised Sputty's backstory, and although it's darker, it now fits the comic more :)
the beautiful what's-his-name.
I tweaked his design and now he looks better.
i hate this so much.
scrap nightmare design i didn't finish
more creepy stuff
len do we know this guy?
no, he isn't related.
first january sketch
welp i think i need some work still. for some reason i can't draw eyes anymore.
hayla and volke, partners in crime.
hayla is so sick of her buddy's stupid jokes.
I like how Sputs turned out, but I don't think Helm looks like he's giving it his all. :/
maybe it could be because he's so focused on trying to destroy the curse mark or something, idk rolls some excuse.
but i do like that sputs turned out to have a thicker build, because helm is like the royal princes' elegant polite captain and sputs is the rough lone desert warrior. with an equally warrior daughter >8)
blood give me your blood
i like this. (used ref obviously)
rotted Sputs soul and wife soul crying over their daughter
stupid sputnik, he don't know how to be a daddy >:(
red, blue, and white.
i used a slight ref for positioning, but heck i still like it.
helm is a poor baby and he needs protecting.
also mane.
baby sahail, are you really happy?
ye, used to be after things got way dark.
also used a ref for this for the trot
NOO dont drown!! D:
arawn slowly changing over the course of the day until he becomes rotten evil arawn.
dion's job is done. used ref for this too
sputnik in rain while S tests her power and she annoys him so he won't sleep.
i don't really like this but well
(btw, scrolling up this post on the animation parts while listening to something is kinda cool. xD)

she cool warrior lady.
another dion redesign. i can't make up my mind. ;-; i want him to be scary and skeletal and also a shapeshifter at the same time. idk.
ugly sketch of young sput when he was wild and free and curseless
colored rough sketch of my beautiful boy.
sputty please be a good daddy look at that poor girl she's sad and alone and needs support. :(
he's trying, but he lacks emotion. :/ and (S) is screaming at him to pull it together.
now that I revised his backstory, it makes better sense why he isn't a good dad. ._.
Bogatyr for Bru from a dA comic ;-; I like this pose.
my sad lady
aRAWN, half deviantart stare edition.
alia was supposed to be helm but you know what i don't draw her enough so sorry helm.
^ future sahail
^ future arawn for the ref sheets
the awesome antagonist from the remade character sheets! :) i LOVE how King Dion turned out! I think I'm sticking with this design, it's good. that little flap under his neck is kinda like what a cobra has, so he can actually spread it and look scarier I think. and he can shapeshift anyway, but this is his "physical" form.
sahail from my comic :)
alia with the nice hair
bessie the tank engine. lol no
i was sick on friday, so "venting" with titan. xD poor dude.
no but i've been thinking about those muzzles they put for horses and dogs, and heck man what if the muzzle holes are tight and you throw up black stuff or something? ._. rip
ye, still in the halloween spirit. creepy gross stuff lol.

Do you know how many version I make of something if I like it
commission leftovers

Sketches of Uni's Alex and Evelyn! :) I wanted to draw her something, so here ya go! I probably got the marking wrong though, sorry ;-;
what if Alya (S) and Sputty's places were switched? D:
^ last drawing of january
also kinda like a mini ref sheet for her, because she can't be in the actual ref sheets.
don't u just love those cool adorable georgian dancers with big shaggy hats. so cool man. ye
(*cough* I'm still in the middle of writing a comment but thought I'd post this anyway *cough*) Okay I was initially planning to comment on one of your more recent posts bc of updates but then I don't like the idea of skipping posts and going back haha. x'D ("lol I'm so late commenting can't you tell.")
ReplyDelete1) gurl pls don't say you need to work on your anatomy "seriously" bc your anatomy is already absolutely awesome. pls. Anyway, I just love this one? There's so much flow and accuracy in the anatomy and Arawn looks amazing here!! Also I love how you always nail it on those details, like the feathers. It always looks like him. :'D
2) dang your sketches are always too good I never know what to say. ;-; Anatomy is gorgeous once again!! <3
3) Haha I noticed this but I don't remember if I commented on it before or not? xD Anyway this is awesome bud!! Lenore looks so charming here as always. *-* Haha I think I need to do one of these for my blog too or something... (augh those art theives are terrible btw, I'm always seeing so many artists I follow make an update bc their art was stolen in various different ways... gosh people. ;-;) Good thing you've done here!!
4) I'm laughing 8'D poor guy shouldn't have been lured by them sirens. ;-; This concept is really cool though! I love that theme about the sirens btw, where their charm contrasts with their inner dark side. Also your lineart is just... amazing dude.
5) HOW. You used no ref for this? Are you trying to impress me? because you have. ;-; I can't even! This is INCREDIBLE! Your mind must be filled with so many ideas for poses bc gosh I can never think of any for the life of me, that being *with* refs! ;-; Honestly, this is just phenomenal and I congratulate you on this! <3
6) Oh lookie an animation! xD Ahh you're so good at animating I tell ya. ;-; I love the transformation here!
7) I love how smooth your lineart is btw! (mine's always so thick and amateur-ish >.<) Also I love how you always show us the process, it's really interesting! :'D
8) (a wild Arawn has appeared xD) Awesome head tilt in the animation there! (how do you even physically animate though? I've tried it and it's just so harrrrrd ;-;)
9) oh gosh no them feels. ;-; this ship is awesome man *dies* happily ever after :') Cuties. <3 (also i need an official ship name for them?? like sputtya... no wait idk not necessarily that... but something ?? ;-;)
10) Helmy's back and he's looking good. 8) Auugh I love him!! Also his expression there is gold. <3 Cinnamon roll.
11) Ahh a pony!! They're so short, I love them. xD This is adorable! I love the cute little expression there. ;-;
12) Wow the colour theme is exquisite! The beautiful cyan blue matches well with the night sky. *-* This is so magical! (I love unicorns btw, such awesome creatures, if mythical ;-;) The pose is spot on once again! Don't tell me you didn't use a ref for it huh? xD And where do you get your inspiration for poses? They're always so pro!
13) save that for halloween dude (lol jk x'D) You must have a library of poses to use or something surely? I mean, you never run out and every one is always so cool and unique like ??? (and me, I'm always struggling and re-using the same old ones ;-;) HOLD ON now is that Sputty? ):> omg poor thing gosh. Wahh you're so mean to him. *cries in horse* What happened to my favourite boy?
14) Ahh is that how you start out with your drawings or is it just a sketch? :D I mean, do you use the technique where you draw the sketchy lineart, lower the opacity and draw the new lineart on a new layer (if that even makes sense)? Just curious lol. x'D Anyway your sketches always seem to capture what you're trying to portray and it's just so awesome! ;-;
Delete15) Omg Sputnik my babyyyy! ;-; Aye he's so handsome as always. And stoic. <3 I love his expression here though, it's so cool! <:) (bahhh if only I could just get round to drawing horses then I'd draw him for you, I love hiiimm) Also in case I haven't stressed it enough before, his mane is so elegant! I love those flowy lines ahhh.
16) LOL Arawn looks like he just opened the front-facing camera! x'D To the point, the perspective is excellent, you nailed it! The viewing angle is super perfect, it's like it's facing upwards. Ahh Hana why are you so skilled?? C':
17) Woaahh I love those russet colours in that gorgeous mane and the coat there! They go so well together. *-* (Waaaitt who's this character again? xD Eep I must have missed something sorry!! D:)
18) Ahh a sketchdump! I love sketchdumps man. They have so much in them at once. 8) Your sketches are amazing btw! It's interesting to see the way in which you draw horses Hana!! <3
19) Let me guess... Helm? <8) Beautiful anatomy again man.
20) Sahail!! I always love the pretty braid you draw him, so cute. ;-; And the pose is incredible! Did you use a ref? (don't tell me you managed without like a pro again >8() You can see the way in which he's turning here, it's so cool!
21) Aye Helmy with his lightning hair. 8D He's such a good-looking horse i just- ;-; (Also love the cute swirl in his tail there! xD)
22) GOSH. Alia is just stinking beautiful here I lOVE her. ;-; Her curly hair and dark features are so stunning man! How do you even draw her so alluring? ;-; (hnngg I don't even know how to say this, but she really is so gorgeous here!! <3) Not to mention, her expression is so sassy.
23) Ooh does he appear in the comic? xD (wait what's his name? ;-;) Love the colours you chose him! (has something bothered him? x'D awesome pose!!)
24) boyyy the perspective. O.O This is so phenomenal!! Sputty looks so handsome here, he always does ahh. ;-; That side-eye thing he does is so pure. And his mane. always. best mane. ;-;
25) Oh no what happened to dear Sputnik? ):> he's melting. i mean he looks possessed. Wow sounds great ma'am, not as if it didn't already fit into a horror genre. guess i'll die. <:) (okay but seriously that sounds like a very intriguing update and yes I need to read the next parts and actually comment on them ;-;)
26) Hey missy stop making him too harr okay?!? D8> Wow. dang. ("L'Oreal, because you're worth it" omg no jk x'D) Okay but seriously?? He's a CINNAMON ROLL! so cute gosh. i die. he looks fantastic doesn't he? :') look at that mane and tell me. (y tho??? ;-;) I love Helm omg he's so cool. ///>/./</// Anyway I see the new upgrade to his hair eh? 8D (so chic ;-;) Look hon I think ur going to have to do a tutorial to show us how to draw him man. (unless I've missed something, I should check before saying that haha x'D) Anyway, yes, amazing, I congratulate your art skills, 11/10, *applause*. ;-;
27) "their plague"?? first of all, rude. u_u Ahh how can you hate this? You might "hate" it in your perspective but it definitely doesn't look like that in mine. :'D Aww, poor Arawn... he looks so grumpy. ;-; leave the poor thing alone man. u_u His pose really matches his expression btw! (something I wish I was good at ahh)
Delete28) I love the movement from this perspective! What's a nightmare design? xD
29) Ah okay. Thing is, we're closer to Halloween 2017 than Halloween 2016, so I guess you're waiting for the next one. u_u They sure do look creepy haha. Waait who are they though? :D You're so skilled at drawing creepy, angsty stuff, I wish I was. ;-;
30) I love this one of Arawn!! It looks like an official profile shot! He looks so cute too. ;-;
31) Omg poor Sahail. x'D "no he isn't related" pSSShh lenore pls. 8) Dang his braid is so good as always, in sync with his movement! And I love that cute tuft fringe there, it really suits him!
32) vOLKE!! i missed him!! I adore this character. <33 Ahhh he's such a cinnamon roll bad guy, look at that expression. ;-; (okay but seriously, you are one for expressions) Hayla ain't amused. B) She looks so sassy and pretty tho!! (love those red curls *-*)
33) LOL sounds like a dad joke. x'D Also I hope you don't mind me saying that I read Volke's joke with a Russian accent in mind? ;-; (wait is he Russian again? xD) "pfft" aye he's trying to impress. 8D
34) *sobs* beautiful!! Awesome brown-ish theme. <3 And do you mind me asking which character this is again? ;-;
35) Snowy aesthetic!! <3 reminds me of a winter wonderland theme and Christmas vibes ahh. TT The expression is super cute. C':
36) Aw, Arawn, his pose looks so realistic! I can almost see the dash lines! (I have an urge to know what's upsetting him now? ;-;)
37-8) AMAZING! Helm and Sputnik's poses both have a perfect line of action, I can just picture it! Also the shading is so pro, it looks like that kind of comic-book shading feel? I love that shading style! Helm's expression is top-notch, he really looks mad. xD On the contrary, I think Helm's pose looks great! Before I read your comment there, I assumed he was in that kind of position because Sputnik had his hoof to his throat? (if that makes sense? ;-;) But yeah, trying to destroy the curse mark makes sense too! As you mentioned, their builds fit their backgrounds as well. C: (ayy sputty is the rough type man xD) I love thisss!! <3
(d ang I swear this looked so much shorter to me in notepad?? ... aughh sorry for this really tall comment, I'll try to write them better next time! <3 also I haven't finished yet oops ;-;)
(apologies for this extremely long essay omg ;-;)
Delete39) OH MY. save me. *slams fist on table* okay this is gorgeous ma'am, I don't even know what to say. First of all, how on Earth did you manage to animate this so fluidly?? I'm going to be honest with you, this looks like something from an official film. Just, physically, how did you make the head turn upwards and retain that flow? (also, isn't that dion there? if not, pardon my poor knowledge ;-;) This is absolutely phenomenal, I tell ya! :'D Not to mention, I love how he fits in with the snowy theme! <3
40) And she does it again. Never fails to impress me. ;-; Gosh I love that soft breeze on Arawn and how you've made the animation react to it! The scenery is also so so beautiful and not only do I have to ask how you animate, but also how you draw backgrounds? xD Ooh another thing! I really like those floating dots of blossom (is it?)... it reminds me of that kind of effect I've seen in an anime-like thing but I can't actually put my finger on it. C:> So gorgeous!! Also, mind me asking where your inspiration came from? :')
41) Ahhh I love this one!! It remins me of windy days where I've seen tall grass and you can almost see the wind as it rakes right through it in strange patterns. This captures that perfectly! TT The strict colour scheme also looks very eye-catchy too! <3
42) oh dang. Doesn't Alia just look stunning here? She's so attractive I can't even. ;-; The vibrant sunset bg really echoes her beauty though?? And the transformation in her expression is just- idek, phenomenal. Ahhh could you possibly show the process too if you haven't already? Not that you have to of course, but it'd be really awesome if you did! <33
43) That's right, my beautiful boys wrecking the heck out of each other. Okay but geez Sputty calm down man! ;-; Ouch, poor Helm!! D: Anyway, I don't know how you did it but the animating here is absolutely incredible, no doubt. (welp i feel like my art is that of a peasant's compared to yours *cries* ;-;) sputty is a vampire.
44) #can I just say I adore the earthy filter you added here? #and that the animation style could honestly pass for one of those stunning French animation styles? ;-; #I just love how you continuously keep improving?? allow me to just sum up my reaction to everything with this one gif: (xD anyway this one should be a gif displayed on your blog too because like ??)
45) o-oh dang. do you know just how much this ship wrecks me? ;-; I just- they're so adorable, they deserve so much better than this wahhhh. T_T omg cuties I love them. 8( (he's so harr why is he so harr y u do dis *sobs* <8'() love them.
46) Helm looks cold. xD Oh and he's scarred. I wonder how that could have possibly happened. ;-; But never mind, he's handsome, always was, always will be. <3 (dang I love his expression btw, looking behind him C':) my beautiful boy
47) blue for sputty yasss. :') And the curse mark is glowing! So many feels. </3
48) omg Arawn! don't cry man. i'm not crying you're crying. ;-; He's so beautiful.
Delete49) Wow! O.o I love this!! (yes you should be proud of it u_u) I love the way Helm's mane reacts to the floor as he lies his head on it and the way you've defined the weight of the hair in the animation! This is just stunning... I mean, this surely should have been so difficult to animate I can imagine? How many frames long is it? :D yes sir he needs protecting just like a cinnamon roll u_u
50) Omigosh isn't he just an adorable cinnamon roll? Those cute eyes omg. ;-; beautiful <3
51) I was kind of like "aww" and then saw this and was like "oh" :( that's so mean!! D': #sadstorybro
52) Whoa would you look at that magnificent sand storm! (that's swallowing sahail *sobs*) Aah I remember this part, so sad. ;-; Heck you animated Sahail's movements so beautifully btw!! It's like he does a 180... that must've been super hard to animate a whole semi-circle right? <:D
53) So sad I cry. ;-; poor thing omg. 8()
54-6) Oh my, these are simply fantastic! I love how the sky changes from day-blue to a warm sunset and dark, cold night. *-* (And not to mention, the way it reflects Arawn too.) These are really just stunning though! :D So vibrant, and Arawn looks formidable as always. <3 I get the impression you used more than one type of brush right? xD Also mind me asking how you achieved those gorgeous hues in the sky? The blending is amazing! <3
57) (okay I admit I did look through the whole post before commenting but somehow missed this text bc yes I was right, it's dion woo!!) Did you use a 3D gif for this as a ref? If not, how did you do it ma'am? It's incredible! o.o This must be what years of practice drawing beautiful horses pays off. (I wish I could achieve this kind of skill. ;-;) Dion totally blends in with the snow, it must be his natural habitat lol.
58) Aww Alya teasing Sputty is so pure omigosh. 8') This feels so realistic, the rain and the glow and everything! (she accompanies him then, *sobs* this beautiful ship ;-;)
59) Hana pls this is amazing. Alia looks so gorgeous here! <3 Alright, tell me what kind of music/soundtrack you're hinting on. xD
60) oh no the end. ;-; This looks pretty effective!
61) (boy i wish i'd saved that l'oreal comment for this) Yes and she's so beautiful I love her. <3 Those cute twinkly stars ahh. (oh no wait i know she'll star on horse vogue)
62) Why not both? LOL. Okay but his facial expressions are gold. Like, you can totally see his emotions through an unusual, spectacular way haha. x'D (pssh villains, why do they always have to have the best designs)
63) Young!sputty!! So handsome. Why did you have to draw this? Them feels. ;-;
64) no he's *my* beautiful boy shush. u_u (jk xD) Yes who's a hansome boy? <3 He looks like he's standing tall, the superior way, haha so cute. <:)
Delete65) Whyy do you do this to me? Gosh these emotions all the time. ;-; poor Alia man. <3
67) Aww, Alia looks so lonely. ;-; Someone needs to cheer her up like... (Helm! xD) Love her curls as always. <3 (I mean, horses with curls are really cool after all ammirite? <8))
68) Now it looks like Arawn is starring in his own comic book. xD (waIt hold on... I'm going to leave that comment there without typing it out because now I'm actually laughing in real waht??! x'D)
69) Wait I don't understand? You mean this post was initially meant to be full of Alia rather than Helm? Or were you drawing Helm here and midway decided to stop bc there "wasn't enough Alia"? (anyway, your lineart process is so good)
70) (oh man #70 sounds more than it really is x'D) I'm laughing! And no that ain't Sahail man. xD (yes I agree with bearded horses)
71) dude no pls that's dion staahpp! x'D I can't even LOL. Looking good. 8)
72) Wow Dion looks so extra! C: I mean, who would have thought of an evil horse with a cobra-like hood under their neck? Impressive! u_u (like I said, them villains with the cool designs)
73) This is exquisite! Sahail's features remind me of white chocolate and strawberry for some reason haha. xD He's so cute, especially with his beautiful braid and the red ribbon! C: His stance is simply top-notch. <3 (he didn't deserve that plot you gave him *sobs* ;-;)
74) "alia with the nice hair" <-- i SECOND THIS! Isn't she just so pretty though? The way you designed her?
75) wait omg does bessie the tank engine exist? x'D Love the colours here!
76-7) LOL you bring Titan back for this cameo? 8D (ahh sick bugs are no good man D:) Yes speaking of which why do they do that? (I should probably know eep ;-;) Aah well I wouldn't like to think about that. >.<" "creepy gross stuff lol." indeed.
78-81) Waah this is amazing! C': I don't know this character but I love the pose you've drawn so much! Really fits with the bg too, it gives me nostalgia for sunset in the mountain ranges. ;-; The clouds are also add that kind of pretty magical effect! You should really show us speedpaints of your works someday Hana! It's just a suggestion, but it'd be super cool. :'D ... Pssh well, I can relate, I mean I do that on my blog. u_U Do you get commissioned a lot then? (if you did commissions via Paypal I'm sure you'd be rich lol x'D I'd pay too ;-;)
82-3) These are amazing! (Ahh I love their markings!) Both their stances are really well done too. :D
84) pls no!! That's so meeaann!! <8( like as if this happening to Sputnik weren't enough feels though? Anyway, my queen will always look so pretty, dark backstory AU or not. ;-; <3
85) (omg this is so cute haha! xD) link me a video. i'm in the mood. u_u
Okie once again, I'm terribly sorry for this awfully long essay and yes it did seem a lot shorter to both type up and here in notepad (notepad, why?? >8() You definitely, definitely don't have to reply to all of this! Actually please don't lol. I'll try to keep my comments much shorter and more meaningful next time, definitely. ;-; Also, you're such an amazing, skilled artist and not even this super long comment can do your beautiful art justice! But please do consider a speedpaint/tutorial sometime, Hana, it'd be awesome! :'D <3
(boy I wish my excerpts were this long x'D)