arawn (i used a visual ref for this because i need to work on my anatomy, seriously.)
new header where lenore welcomes you. i dont exactly like how this turned out.
Okay I had a cool idea for this, it was a creepy mare-ghost who lured this guy into a trap (kinda like a siren) into the rocks and kinda impaled him. but i couldn't finish it so now it just looks like.. it looks like tangled or something.
i also used no ref for this pose, so I'm sure something's off.
i cant animate.
arawn turning into the void king stuck on me now.
another creepy thing where arawn becomes the void king
extinct lovers, old (S) and sputnik left finally alone at the end of their days.
helm sketch
art trade with Aristio123 on dA! :)
ruptured lungs
no idea what this is
Alia is my man, even if I don't draw her often.
i think that's odin's brother or something xD
I've gotten real bad at drawing but anyway, I revised Sputty's backstory, and although it's darker, it now fits the comic more :)
the beautiful what's-his-name.
I tweaked his design and now he looks better.
i hate this so much.
scrap nightmare design i didn't finish
more creepy stuff
len do we know this guy?
no, he isn't related.
first january sketch
welp i think i need some work still. for some reason i can't draw eyes anymore.
hayla and volke, partners in crime.
hayla is so sick of her buddy's stupid jokes.
I like how Sputs turned out, but I don't think Helm looks like he's giving it his all. :/
maybe it could be because he's so focused on trying to destroy the curse mark or something, idk rolls some excuse.
but i do like that sputs turned out to have a thicker build, because helm is like the royal princes' elegant polite captain and sputs is the rough lone desert warrior. with an equally warrior daughter >8)
blood give me your blood
i like this. (used ref obviously)
rotted Sputs soul and wife soul crying over their daughter
stupid sputnik, he don't know how to be a daddy >:(
red, blue, and white.
i used a slight ref for positioning, but heck i still like it.
helm is a poor baby and he needs protecting.
also mane.
baby sahail, are you really happy?
ye, used to be after things got way dark.
also used a ref for this for the trot
NOO dont drown!! D:
arawn slowly changing over the course of the day until he becomes rotten evil arawn.
dion's job is done. used ref for this too
sputnik in rain while S tests her power and she annoys him so he won't sleep.
i don't really like this but well
(btw, scrolling up this post on the animation parts while listening to something is kinda cool. xD)

she cool warrior lady.
another dion redesign. i can't make up my mind. ;-; i want him to be scary and skeletal and also a shapeshifter at the same time. idk.
ugly sketch of young sput when he was wild and free and curseless
colored rough sketch of my beautiful boy.
sputty please be a good daddy look at that poor girl she's sad and alone and needs support. :(
he's trying, but he lacks emotion. :/ and (S) is screaming at him to pull it together.
now that I revised his backstory, it makes better sense why he isn't a good dad. ._.
Bogatyr for Bru from a dA comic ;-; I like this pose.
my sad lady
aRAWN, half deviantart stare edition.
alia was supposed to be helm but you know what i don't draw her enough so sorry helm.
^ future sahail
^ future arawn for the ref sheets
the awesome antagonist from the remade character sheets! :) i LOVE how King Dion turned out! I think I'm sticking with this design, it's good. that little flap under his neck is kinda like what a cobra has, so he can actually spread it and look scarier I think. and he can shapeshift anyway, but this is his "physical" form.
sahail from my comic :)
alia with the nice hair
bessie the tank engine. lol no
i was sick on friday, so "venting" with titan. xD poor dude.
no but i've been thinking about those muzzles they put for horses and dogs, and heck man what if the muzzle holes are tight and you throw up black stuff or something? ._. rip
ye, still in the halloween spirit. creepy gross stuff lol.

Do you know how many version I make of something if I like it
commission leftovers

Sketches of Uni's Alex and Evelyn! :) I wanted to draw her something, so here ya go! I probably got the marking wrong though, sorry ;-;
what if Alya (S) and Sputty's places were switched? D:
^ last drawing of january
also kinda like a mini ref sheet for her, because she can't be in the actual ref sheets.
don't u just love those cool adorable georgian dancers with big shaggy hats. so cool man. ye