Anyway, I'll post the December-January art post in January, just because there's not going to be much for December anyway. So for now, have this human scrap I gathered from some months ago, and some newer doodles.
I had a dream of Darvan planting and watering a garden quietly. it was so cute.
and dang man, now i know how he'd look like in real life. nice.
Although I used a ref, I messed up on this. It doesn't even look like him. Also, his necklace looks so messed up, it should've had a silver chain, so it's a silver chain and a gold crest at the end (I decided it'd have a coat of arms too to represent his powerful family. I've got to modify that part in the story I guess.)
I'm not sure if that's going to be the official design, because I might change it. I'm not good at drawing creative designs. the darker places are supposed to be engraved into the gold, and the grey places are made of silver, and there's a rare gem in the middle. high class stuff probably
i wanted to draw the whole excerpt scene but nah it'll take forever
he's a freakin troll
I don't know why I'm putting this here too. It's super duper ugly and I can't draw girls at all. If you want to see a-mazing quality art of Sam (that portrays her much much better than I ever can), do click here and here ;-;
no matter how hard i'll try, I can never draw this guy.
and his hair is just so hard to get right even i don't know how to draw it.
I hate how this turned out, naturally.
although, the hairstyle here is closer to the original than the other drawings'.

two military buds. and loose ties.
it's kinda funny, because they met each other in the military (i think there was a part where rance lied to sam about it, but ye), and darvan got promoted cause he's got sideburns, man.
wait no this is so messed up.
everyone thinks he's a trashhead, but he's just a stressed out dude who has to surround himself with armies of pillows every night to be able to sleep. ;-; and, he's also a trashhead so he gets nightmares.
they both grew up nicely since then.
stalkers. lol
darvan is in the christmas spirit. he's also talking to himself.
Black tea,
Dapper military and caffeine.
smug broot
and more horribly-drawn guns.
yay his hair turned out ok for once :D
standing out on the balcony would obviously ruin your hair because too much wind.
time to comb again
Here I am. u_U (ahhh okay omg I promise I'll reply to your other replies later, I haven't ignored them! xD and don't turn off commenting pls i ain't done yet ;-;)
ReplyDeleteGosshh you seem to be super busy with school then!! D: (ouch I should be more grateful about my position >.<) And goodness you're right! xD Where the heck would you find time for all of that? u_u Ahhh good luck with it all! I'm sure you'll do well! <:) <3 (wait whoa, 40 pages really? and that's not an exaggeration...? o.o")
okay comment time. >8D
omg omigosh phew. x"D when I saw that top picture on my dash I assumed he was planting flowers for someone's (emphasis on "someone's") grave and I was somewhat about to prepare a death speech. x'D (omigosh I'm so stupid sorry!! ;-;)
but let me tell ya gosh that is super cute man. ;-; Okay but seriously just imagining him do that! 8D gardener!Darvan sounds like a really good AU sir! ;-; and eep that picture is so kawaii! He's tending to flowers omigosh. xD (or are those tomatoes?) so cute. 8')
yo boy that one there is rEALLY good!! hnngggg how to you even get the perspective right? You can see the task he's performing so perfectly **sobs** ;-; !! and what's he up to there haha? xD And omg he has a medallion/necklace!! hm that's interesting. :0 But no actually it sits on his shoulders perfectly, how is that "messed up"? >8( I can't stress enough how good you are at drawing hands though... I mean how?? ;-; and sir i must ask you why you crossed out "guns" with a lenny face. ;-; okay anyway this picture is perfection!! <3
"I'm not good at drawing creative designs" omg take that back right now missy, you are and you know it!! D8< Ahh the details on the medallion are so intricate! I would have lost my patience. xD Now you'd better tell me about this necklace and Darvan's family history and post more excerpts man bc I need it. u_u this is such a good idea btw!! ;-;
omg wHAAaaT I burst out laughing LOLLOLOL!! x'D is that darvan with the troll face there? looking good. u_u and wait isn't that Sam?? (only checking since rance has a braid sometimes too ;-;) omg explain this please I swear I have a huge smile on my face now trying to figure everything out here. x'D "ye" omg no you're the troll now!! >8( wait his plane looks short, what on Earth happened to it? oh nice file names btw B)
dude. I was just about to tell you how amazing that picture of Sam there was. ;-; it's NOT super duper ugly by any means and you can draw girls so beautifully and I just ahhh idek. >8( gosh this is just freaking gorgeous though!! <3 Look at how beautifully those reds fit with the colour of her hair! And oh my I love her expression so much, it's like she's judging someone! xD And auugh she looks so pretty! I love the accurate weight in her tied up hair there and the curls too - I wish I could draw like that! ;-; and them cute freckles. 8) She looks so lovely! *-* <3 don't say that about your artwork again omg. u_u Also I love her dress design there ahhh!! (And oh my, I just had to give a shoutout to Rolfwolf for the beautiful artwork there! It's absolutely amazing, I'm speechless! <3)
Delete(okay I'm adding a break here bc I had to go last time and somehow didn't come back to finishing this comment (I've been busy with school ahh ;-;))
No omg how could you say that!! >8( Darvan looks fantastic there! Actually, you've drawn the direction of flow in his hair perfectly! :D I wish I could come up with poses that good. ;-;
GIRL. That one there of Darvan as well is amazing so SHUSH D8< gosh his pose is so dang good im shook. My goodness his hair looks perfect there too! xD Ahhh he's so formal!! ^^' And golly gosh how did you draw his hand so accurately? (it's so satisfyingly good it makes me feel like I can go and draw it right now if you know what I mean? xD) what's he doing there then? C:
ayyyyyyyyyy!!! omigosh ahhahahhhaaaa what perfection im- 8D idek what to say man. C'8> ROFL RANCE!! i'm crying okay x'D just what does that sinnamon roll think he's doing xD sir pls. 8') Rance is just chillaxing and Darvan looks mad as heck like this is so on point it's totally canon!! they're levitating. B) (okay omg that makes it 10000* more funnier hahaha I'm laughing in real x'D) ahhh ranciodo is so harr with that uniform *-* (and *cough* his loose tie *cough*) Ahhh this is too perfect beyond words sir and I just like how you put them both in the same picture because like... ahh idk ;-; LOL sideburns ftw! Poor Rance. xD hnnggg how do you draw hands and poses so well ma'am. (once again rance looking good there <3 ;-;)
okie I'm guessing that's Darvan there bc of the tea on the bedside table and yes I too need an army of pillows and can relate. ;-;
wait whoa hold up there, is that Vanera and-? Ivan? ahh idk! xD
Omg no!! LOL Darvan staaahhppp!! x'D gosh I didn't know he could play the piano. 8) and omg Rance what the heck! x'D (maybe ranciodo should play too. ;-;)
**sobs** ;-; why does Darvan look so great and handsome in that cloak? *-* boy that's a lot of paperwork. xD Ahh I love your shading so muccchh!! Also his pose looks so realistic, it's as if you can see him for real in that scene. C': Ahhh so beautiful!! <3
aye 8) ahh I see what you mean about his hair I think... so does he have a parting round the side or something that makes his hair go towards one side like those formal haircuts? xD (maybe I'm wrong lol) I need to know more about that medallion thing. ;-;
ayy get off my lawn. (omg jk! x'D) oouuuhh I think it's safe to say that darvan looks super harr there man. Ahhh look at that hair! ;-; (hair goals) it totally looks like he went up on to the balcony just to tell everyone that lol. C: And gosh how did you get all the perspective spot on... like his right arm - it's so accurately drawn I'm jealous of your skills! ;-;
augh your art is too good for me. ;-;" keep up the good work girl! <3 also ahhh I'm so sorry I haven't replied to your messages or been on much, I mean I wish I could but s c h o o l ;-;
ah you changed your comments section. xD