(I'm going to update this post with videos later, it's late atm and I gtg sleep after I post this. xD)
Behold the Florida swamplands.
;-; if the water wasn't dirty and full of alligators, I'd wish I lived here.
Okay, I'm not sure if I said this before, but last year, Zahra broke the fence and escaped. I knew she was pregnant after a while because she just kept bloating. Annndd look who arrived this morning! (July 22nd. It's her birthday. ;-;)
she's so sweet and smol.
and apparently our pasture is waterlogged.
her and her mommy and her older sis (Pecan) in the back (Idk if anyone remembers, but the older pictures of Pecan were so small... look at her now! [ok, she's too far. but it's not her birthday today. u_u])
I don't think anyone was expecting our little fella in the middle of this post. xD haha!
he just shed his pretty tail feathers and it's a weight off his back.
Seriously, I'm so mad at that wagon.
I gotta say, she got so skinny after she gave birth. But hopefully she'll shape up soon.
this was after a rainstorm and the birthday girl was playing and jumping in the rain.

This is my favorite picture so far. So beautiful. (of course, my brother took it.)
bye bye sophie. i hope you dont give your new fam trouble, be good.
cries yes