The lady is Ava (I was kinda thinking of making her some sort of criminal... but I've yet to work on her backstory. Anything right now is really just loose ideas.) And the dude is Gabriel. (I was thinking on making him a moderate-ranking military guy she captures and holds in exchange for weapons and she tortures him for info but then they team up. Idk. somehow)
(scrap idea) Ava has friends in many places and they get her info or something. i also dont think this is canon or whatever.
in this case it's two girls from some eastern-based islands.
i wonder who else can read my trashy handwriting in another language. e_e
just to clarify, i myself can barely read my own handwriting.
you know, those summer days. xD
apparently joining the bad guys ain't for free people.
ok this is cliche. xD but at least its not a brand.
she's pretty mean
I think her parents were are type that believe that girls were born to be married and have kids (her ma has 13 children. Ava is the oldest kid i think.) and her dad wants her to find a rich guy because they are poor lower class.
I think she also goes to jail for one reason or another. and there is a fat security guard who ridicules her by taunting with the keys. lol
The top ones are early ideas/designs.
I decided I wanna write a book with a cool female lead who kicks everyone's butts who isn't a whiny brat or stuck-up jerk or just... y'know, like most of those female protagonists you find out there. I don't know if I'm that good, but there's one way to find out if I can write something like this. Now I just need to think some good ideas.
Birdie is Ava's best bud and partner in crime. and she's a whole lot more serious too
these next are random ideas, they have nothing to do with the top ones at all.
I had this idea for a "Special Unit" who are really just these guys they messed with and re-wired their brains and stuck in some metal parts so that they're actually human-machine cyborg things.
this one in particular is special or something. idk. and the daughter of his employer (right) has a crush on him or something. the little girl on the left wants him to save her family from the landlord (they didn't get enough money for rent that month) D:
and he has no idea what the heck those people want.
(xD branch off from my old comic baasits really. haha. idk.)
she's a brat, yes.
ava the evil goofball.
bless old posts for giving me something to post. this is from June.
And this is from April, but i forgot to post it:

Small Ladonnah development.

i think i read that phrase on a bumper sticker, but it was too clever. xD