"How we parted ways."
concept thing. teaser of the bros. i won't say if it's a spoiler or not. that's why i drew it. reader decides for now! actually i just want to confuse yall coughs.>:) I'm getting real close to the end of the comic, I just need to work on some character building. Like two or three more scenes before continuing the original plot. I decided the characters needed more fleshing out. Especially the lead, he's so bland. xD Despite that, I'm still fleshing out Helm woop. because i like him the most. ;-;
Scaling #2. poor son.
500 helm drawings and comic scraps. xD
hes cute.
into the portal
A mature (10 year old Arawn, 9 year old Sahail) concept of the bros. Idk, I just wanted to try out how they'd be as adults. xD Arawn has little sideburns (and he probably would get very mature, judging by his backstory. i think. i think he would be.)
I think Sahail would still be the naive pretty boy though. xD
and Arawn's feather would get worn out and split in half.
idk. this isn't canon.
i forgot his tail braid. >:(
V1 and 2
*not my characters
Some fanart for Glider's characters. Aren't they just a handsome couple? ;-;
I love older Arawn now. ;-; sunday sketchie.
okay, so I thought of a little exercise. The one to the left was drawn using a ref and the one on the right was drawn without a ref. Same pose but different angle. Idk I want to try honing my anatomy. xD
My new favorite character of my OCs. xD
i like cold stares probably maybe yes.
Sputnik for a project I finished lately, but I won't post it until after the ending. :)
Arawn and Alia from that same project. >:)
xD noooo
poor helm doesn't know what's going on. like whats with the roses dude??
alia is so out of character.
this is stupid. i've been feeling like drawing cute lovey dovey things lately.
despite that, there is a line someone says in my ending script that goes like:
(to Alia: "Was it because you actually liked Helm?")
I'll leave it for you to guess. xD although i've yet to draw that part. ok anyway.

Mock cover tests. xD They're not official, and the title is cliche and also unofficial. more symbolic really. poor Helm :(
From a comic panel. And I thinkkkk I'm almost done with the ending according to my script. Maybe by next week? Idk we'll see.
design because my anatomy sucks. ugh.
some comic panel leftovers. I think the ending'll be done by Sunday (i think I'm posting it on Tuesday?). I've been working my bum off for it. ;-; so excited.
tiny Alia from my comic :')
spoilers there maybe. actually yes but i hope no one gets it.
i'm usually very bad at foals so i'm kinda proud of this.
Sputnik from a comic panel. I liked how this turned out so. ;-;
for some reason drawing fight scenes are fun. hard, but fun.
and Sputnik wasn't the best at fighting back, sadly. ;-;
You can kinda blame Uni for this one.
dion is actually sputnik's secret admirer. (you think he wants to wipe away the curse mark while he's at it?) ya. (it's not canon, but it's a hilarious idea.)
I just noticed something. I usually draw Sputnik with whole blue eyes, so it looks funny when the white parts show, like in this one. xD but no, he actually HAS white in his eyes, I just like drawing them all blue because it makes him look cool. :and more shady >B)
A cute chubby pony. Don't be fooled by her looks, she's a real trouble maker. xD You leave the tack room open for one second and bam, where's the food? D:
i love ponies though. especially mares, they're just chock-full of personality and they're adorable and hairy. and they like throwing kids off when nobody's looking. oh, and they eat everything.
and they're so smol and cute.
Destiny for Uni. she got me into mules, so it's only fair. xD
i think she looks more like a horse with long ears though. :/
sunday sketch.
feeling like drawing him again because i love him.
you da hero, man. <3
"plagued" :(
solos from the comic cover
i like how Alia and Arawn turned out i think :)
title-less cover. i still don't know about that back ground. :/
i want to evolve this and make it scary. hey wait maybe i'll do an animation on it.
ugh so shaky :/
from sunday.
post-epilogue. arawn the bitter brother. :(
idk if the epilogue actually happened or not, but to me it did. xD but readers can decide if they want it to end there or in the 4th draft. so there are good and bad endings. i think arawn was so smashed in the head he somehow flipped. idk. it doesn't make much sense, ya.
Sputty and the guy he was meant to destroy.
actually, I think Dion won anyway.
something for the completed epilogue i'm working on.
similarities from the prologue (where it was dion) and epilogue (where it was arawn)

i think one of the themes is that things begin and end in the same way sometimes. or something. idk its stupid.
yearling Arawn vs. 10 year old Arawn :(
Baby zorse! <3 they're such adorable buttons omg ;-;
Debating with myself whether I should post this here or not, but well, I've posted stuff like this on here before? Just not to this level. xD Okay, so for those of you who mind:
I'll keep this at the bottom of this post for the rest of June/July, just in case.
This is actually from a comic panel. D: And it's a spoiler, but that's okay since I'll be releasing it soon anyway. i wonder who hurt him that bad? D:
omg I'm so sorry sputnik, I'm such a punk. *kisses nose* here this should help
soorrry sputnik. <3 i still love you ;-;
yeah i'm trying to create suspense like the jerk i am. xD but it did happen in the comic, so i'm not exactly creating fake suspense. u_u
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