Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Arawn Tales

Here's some super old last-year art I've done of Arawn, but never shared on this blog. They're been lost in my files and I just found them! It's kinda like a little backstory, but that was before I thought of SotS. (btw, SotS isn't the OFFICIAL backstory, it's just a sample. I plan to make more in the future after I finish it. Until I find something that fits. xD Here, Arawn was supposed to have a portal-power that made him time travel or something. I actually forgot. :P) I think I was much better at drawing last year. :/ how i got so bad, i have no idea.

And here is the actual project. It's super old. The amazing programming was done by @Bruneydog, who is much better at coding than I am. xD I can never be that good. (whispers, thanks SO much again for this Bru!! ;-; I still love it so much!) For those of you who don't know about Scratch, you press the spacebar to progress in the story. :) Oh, and the music doesn't belong to me.
 *Not to be confused with Seeds of the Sands, this is a scrapped idea, and it didn't actually happen.
Speaking of Scratch I've been considering linking this blog from my Scratch profile which I don't even use anymore. But I'm still skeptical because those tracers and thieves might come back...
Honestly I can't weight the pros and cons. :/

 Some newer art I did recently:

Redrew Arawn with war paint! (The paint design is also Bru's. xD she actually had a lot to do with Arawn's making, ever since I first drew him. ;-; )

Official ref sheet! :D btw, from the other side, there is no braid. It's only on the left side of his neck. c: I always get that wrong. xD soo this is a note for me i guess.

I drew everyone so ugly don't mind that. ;-; gosh how... I can't stress how bad these are. ugh. :/

 And when I was looking at the preview for this to make sure the html worked, Meriadoc B. just seemed to mock me. The whole time. geez why. ;-; why did i put him there again? o right.

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