February-March worth of art y'all. ._. yeh. blood warning and grossness btw (haha why the warning) just in case. (actually was terribly sick the beginning and end of february. [seriously getting sick a lot this year...._.] so this is probably because of that.
most of them are five minute sketches mind you.
hi arawn how are you
a hippie lady
I tried to make him look as skinny and sickly as possible, but idk. :/ well.
really bad drawing of Bru's man. ;-;
baby Arawn sketch. idk, was going for something cute but it looks weird. :/
this was supposed to be a comic panel, but it's way far off so i'll just dump it here now. c: it's going to be in the comic at some point though.
I like how he looked in this panel, so. xD poor Helm.
Alia from my comic! I'm actually proud of this. (lol although without the dialogue she looks like she's sticking her tongue out at somebody. xD which is funny, because she's really aloof and serious in the story.)
Lenore sketch. Honestly I don't really think she's a likable character now, but she'll at least do something useful by the end of the story according to my script. C:
random rouge horse
idk i guess it was a small concept sketch of the corrupt queen, but i still don't have a good design for her. ;-; i don't think a smirk is appropriate for her either... meh.
hm its sputnik
these were supposed to be helm and sputnik (supposedly caught by Arawn talking like best buds xD) but they both turned out so ugly :/ even though they hate each other in the official story, idk i just think they're cute when they're friends. :P
sputnik and king dion. >:) I'm trying to foreshadow here.. (could be ;-; not supposed to be a spoiler, more like something to make my readers think!) C;< i don't like how sputnik turned out here but i doodled this in between classes and it only took like 7 minutes. xD didn't even have time to shade it.
my crude character Volke C:
he did some damage i think. xD
Attempts at a unicorn princess! :)
she has powers i think?
One of the Unicorn Princess's guards. She had two mute twin brothers assigned to guard her at birth (by her unicorn queen mommy), and she loves them very much. They never age and since they can't speak, she feels bad for them. ;-; just a little storyline i made up, not sure if i'm going to expand on it. The antagonist is the Corrupt Queen. It's supposed to be something inspired by Snow White. xD (and ponies are for the dwarves! But instead of old men, I planned on making them peppy mare ponies. C: because it'd be much more comfortable and fun living with a mare bachelor herd (haha if that even exists..) than a bunch of shaggy old guys. lol.)
i think the conflict is more in these two brothers plus the queen.
i might make a comic of it after I finish SotS. :)
the other twin
dem bruhs.
the coloring was inspired by "The Plagues" from my most favorite movie ever. ;-;
edit March 24th:

I'm not too happy with how this turned out. :/ It took me about a week too. Werewolftg on dA had this idea that I draw her character Roopal, and one of my characters, and I liked it so. xD Meh I'm not feeling very artistic lately. :c
Her character, Roopal!
my un-named mare character. xD
I spent an eternity on this background... but. meh.
messed up on the eyes but oh well. It's a friesian i think.
tired tired t-t-t-ttt-tired.
Redraw of an old thing where Titan was sick like crazy.
drew this last October i think
redrawn. meh not too many changes. xD just more blood. ;-; poor child. (this was inspired by this video my mom told me about when one of those huge bulls in that game they play in Spain (forgot what it was called) but the point is there was this matador guy riding a horse and the bull just charged at them and the stupid guy jumped off and scrambled over the fence while the poor horse got impaled in the stomach by the bull's horns. so. yeah he obviously died, we can imagine how that went. :/ people are jerks but what can you do.
sorry about all the icky stuff in this dump. ;-;
A Native American-owned horse and his wild daughter! :)
I'm very bad at rumps i swear. ._.
The Fire Bringer thing. shrugs.
run 25 year old Titan run! (I think that's like 70 in horse years?) D: (gosh do I love experimenting with this character. ;-;) I kinda wanted his back to be more bent but oh well.
helm sketch
because i honestly can't decide which one I like more. ;-;
a little mare character testsheet. (one of the "dwarves" but she's the only one who's not a pony in their herd. xD) i think. she has anger issues.
a pretty trouble-making pony who pretends she's innocent >:D
like your average pony.
she's the lead mare of the "dwarf herd" xD
The Corrupt Queen. I'll design her better if I actually write it. xD For now, off to finish SotS!
It would be super refreshing to work on a comic with a mostly female cast though (female lead AND female antagonist) :) I'm so looking forward to it!
Oh and let's say I saw this somewhere, and I simply HAD to:
95% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a tower about to jump. If you are the 5% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!" Repost this.