Not currently working on pages because I have boatloads of worrrkkkk cough presents coughs to do D: I hope to get to the next page soon! We're reaching chapter two after that, so I'm really looking forward to this! (PS: the descriptions are kinda long, but they're not necessary I'm just adding notes here and there so C:')
(Void) King Dion from my comic SotS. xD He's a real cruel guy! and he's really hairy. but I like hairy horses. :P Eh honestly he's not such a bad guy, he just felt left out and then tried to murder his brother so everybody hated him. I hoped to make it seem like it wasn't totally his fault he went Void. His brother also was kinda selfish... (trying to put together, in a story, the bad guy can't be TOTALLY bad. Everybody has motives. Although after he turned Void, Dion just kinda lost it, but I believe it's for revenge and he actually has a good reason (I hope to reveal that later in the comic too c; anyway)
:D Sideburns for horses! I also support. xD oh gosh this is stupid. Anyway, this is what Dion probably looked like before he turned Void (pretty handsome ;-;), and his big bro Thanos (hm yep pretty handsome compared to Thanos. xD i did that on purpose.) They would be Sahail's direct (almost) ancestors, because he's a pureblood Ashk prince. but more than a couple times removed for Arawn. So Dion would probably be like a great(times something great) granduncle for Arawn and Sahail. Almost. When they first started out, Thanos' foals and the foals of the other two couples mixed, but then they separated when there was enough horses. The other two couples' children became the Red and Blue, and Thanos' direct became the Ashk. Of course even the pure blood Ashk wouldn't be pure pure blood, because they were mixed with the Red and Blue ages ago, but it's as close as you can get.
i suck at manes. Annndd then there's the forbidden lovers, Lenore and Odin. Lenore is Sahail's full little sister, so that makes her a "pureblood Ashk Princess" and Odin's just this big dorky Blue Guard draft. xD whoops! Not supposed to be dating, you two. The Elders set up this law that states that Ashk herd members cannot mix with Red or Blue Guards. So they definitely cannot get married or elope or anything. nope. So far, only Sahail (and Arawn now) are aware of Odin and Lenore's relationship, but things will get ugly if they tell their dad (Ashk lead stallion). lol. Like heck, she's a princess and she has to keep the bloodlines pure! D:< NOOO! Also, Odin's an idiot, and a dork. (I think she actually had a crush on him since they were foals and vise versa but idk, I'm not going to focus on their story too much. Only that they have a role to play in the story at one point.) meh anyway, sad tale sad tale. ;-;
Sputniiiiiik! Captain of the Blue Guard (meh we know :/) :D He's probably my favorite character to draw besides Arawn and Helm. ;-; nobody knows his story, and I'm pretty sure there will be trouble on his end. don't want to spoil anything though, so I'll just say the reader gets to try figuring it out for now. ;)

congrats if you got this far. xD
gosh i'm stupid.
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