Sunday, October 25, 2015

Muted Love

2 weeks' worth of art again. Not drawing a lot lately, but then it's HECK FALL AND it's rare to find good weather around here. xD So. (and ahh behind on messages on other sites but I gtg right now so I'll get to them tomorrow hopefully! D:)

My titles are best ignored :/ meh
Last week's:
this turned out to look more like Spirit than I wanted. xD oh well. color practice
Trying my hand at dished heads. xD notttt good. and ooh did i just draw a mare? :O wow
An ugly mary sue zebra xD

This week's:
Trying proportions

mega mouth

winter bg practice 8)
beard and hair :D take advice from this guy because he's a wise old man. xD

BLOOD WARNING! (I'm not good at blood really xD)

i kinda had this mini comic in mind where there was this little akhal-teke/arabian bachelor herd who made it their mission to murder people. lol. i mean horses. idk its just a thought, maybe because it's almost halloween and everyone's putting on clammy masks. xD

1 comment:

  1. Why, you keep improving faster than I can get here omg. ;-;
    But the first one is so good! :O (lol Spirit, saying that, I need to watch it >.<)
    Omg you did a zebra! It's so cool! You just nailed it on those stripes. ;D I'd hate to think what would happen if I did one. XD
    BUT DANG, that one there you titled winter bg practice just really caught my eye. How the heck? The bg is so perfect!! O.O And the perspective on the horse, don't even mention it! You're so skilled, I mean, how... :O
