Tuesday, September 29, 2015

sunday's Bloodmoon trip

first i'd like to introduce the wall of death:

lol. we went to the beach last sunday because it was so gloomy and rainy at home, at the beach we could probably see the bloodmoon. xD But the waves were so DARN high! This wall in real life is about 15 feet high. and it was being pounded and bombarded by water. so my brothers took the challenge and ran to the other side before the waves hit (they got soaked and my older bro actually fell. xD) it's a fun timing game. :D I didn't play because i didn't want to get wet obviously. ;-; oh well.

The sky was most beautiful omg. <3

ok this is short and dumb.
i was thinking of updating this bloggy every sunday for regular art but every like month or two for hoomans because i don't draw them often. ok this was stupid. ;-; 


  1. Ahh, I wanted to see the blood moon so bad! But it was really cloudy where I was! :( So I couldn't see it! I did catch glimpses of it though as it was entering the eclipse.

    1. Ikr? It was the same at my place, but the beach was a little less cloudy so. xD Omg that's cool! :O I only caught it then, it disappeared behind further clouds after a few minutes and nobody ever did see the eclipse. Ah well, worth a shot anyway. xD Eclipses are cool.

  2. Omg omg omg I wanted to see the bloodmoon so badly! (but only got to see a white moon, much less an eclipse ;-;) Anyway, those pictures are SO awesome! :O (the beaches in America are so beautiful ;-;) AHA the wall of death, yes, like that thing you posted on dA a while back, huh? XD (I love that title btw) <3

    1. Ahh it was awesome! ;-; I only got to see it for like 5 minutes before it disappeared behind clouds. xD But at least I got a photo! And yeah they pretty much are. But hey, I'm sure the UK's beaches are great too! ;D And LOL that's the same wall actually. xD They placed more sand because the ocean was eating at it, so the beach got higher. But the waves were HIGHER than the beach. LOL. Exactly! xD Haha thank you!! <3
