he's not a good teacher tbh.
how come nobody heard him coming
oh really
i hate my handwriting.
sam what the heck you can't do that
what is he hiding
why do i keep misspelling chocolates.
by morning there were no more chocolates left. bwahaha
poor darvan won't know what hit em
the dumbest part is, darvan doesn't even like chocolate. he got that box as a gift and kinda forgot he has it. xD (those are super fancy expensive yummos you can never afford. and there's only like three rows of three or fours. ;-; too little.)
I support their friendship and it will be clear why at the end.
even if Darvan doesn't support it rn, he'll be changing his mind soon. >8(
or well why lie, he actually might...
you little neuron-less cask. >:( so lonely. that's right, nobody likes you you brat
the necklace/heirloom cliche trope thingy
bad food is the main reason work is hard tbh xD
even though he's a pilot i don't think there are much scenes where he actually flies. or maybe it's that sam doesn't care and she's telling the story or somethin
take it easy wow
y is she just hitting everyone
I didn't originally want to post this but eh i'll probably save over the file anyway so I think I'll keep it here. I drew dis for my mom because she was so done with me talking about dummy all the time so i did this to make her more mad at me. xD no, actually, she said "you and your character... :/ sighs" so i said "ya, but what if we met him in modern times?" so this is him in modern clothes. xD the suitcase is based on a scene in the story. and i obviously used a ref for the hands, obviously.
CHEEKS. bwahaha he wouldn't have squishy cheeks but hey
(it's funny, I had a dream about him once. xD he was in a nice navy tailcoat and there was a party outside a huge mansion at midnight or something. i think it was based on cinderella. i just saw the ponytail though, because he didn't turn his face. ;-; but it was a good dream.)
i think this is the only drawing of darvan i ever did that I don't actually hate right now. I mean sure it sucks, but it's the best i could do so far :/
he probably has this nice british accent now that I think of it. (so yes kenza, he does. i think it's a low slight british, but i imagine he has it. ugh i can't explain it, but i can imagine his voice in my head and i can't find any videos that has the type of voice i imagine him to have xD like, his accent isn't noticeable unless he yells or talks forcefully like that. but rancie would have an american accent because he's a thug and accents don't suit him. lol hypocrite)
but idk yet.
kinda spoilers on which of them gets hurt. darvan gets his nose knocked out. well not knocked out, but the bone broke. :/ rance has it worse though. he gets shot.
sam gets hurt a lot too (the funny part is, they're all hurt by the same person.)
and ivan don't just stand there, do something
this didn't really happen exactly, but there is a part where sam found out his plan and what he's really hiding. maybe when he was in jail or something. gold necklace
personally this is my favorite scene in the whole book. when darvan and sam chat in the hangar when he's working on a plane. xD i think i posted it a long time ago. he's not a snobby know-it-all btw. mechanic work is the only hobby he has besides drinking tea.
he kinda looks like a girl here for some reason. xD oh well.
Rolfie's art trade kinda inspired this. xD also, i wanted to try drawing the dress. i like how sam turned out here, though she's a bit out of character. lol.
cheeky sam and military formal rance.
dumb bad influence friends. xD
rance and sam are messing up the kitchen by putting on loud music with a gramophone and jumping on tables and flipping them. xD brats.
darvan: maybee i shouldn't have let him meet her. but then how could i know.
i think i'll put them on cleaning duty together too.
congrats, you survived this post.
And I wanted to post this in October, but I won't have computer access on most of Friday and on the weekend at all so that's too bad. :/ This is also why SotS won't be updated this week. sighs
And also, I PROMISE promise promise I'll get back to messages and comment on things! Life's been a bit busy lately. ;-; but I WILL get to it! <3 i feel so bad for being so behind on everything! D:
[EDIT: back. It's been a camping trip, btw, and we didn't see alligators, just mosquitoes. at least my grandma had fun though. :)]
also, I forgot to post these buuuut:
I never do much interaction scenes between these two. but ya they became good friends in the end.

apperantly sam is planning a murder.
she really doesn't forgive him.